You’ll find RFID and the Internet of Things in use all around you, from hospitals and laundry companies to distribution centers and even bars. Here are RFID Journal’s story highlights from the past week.
1. Belgian Hospital Automates Supply Kanban with RFID
With a solution from Aucxis, personnel at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg Hospital can flip an RFID-enabled ticket to send an alert that a box of supplies requires reordering, thereby reducing manual inventory counting and making the warehouse picking process faster and more accurate.
2. Drinking Game Goes Digital with RFID
Atalon Ventures’ PONGConnect table, software and apps automate beer-pong competitions to make scores absolute and digital, thus preventing disagreements even when players are intoxicated.
3. Machine Learning Aids RFID Tag Reading of Textiles
Several laundry companies are piloting a system from Datamars that leverages ML algorithms to differentiate between good and stray tag reads, enabling faster, more versatile installations without requiring physical RF shields or threshold identification.
Value-added services make it easier for distribution centers to maintain separate inventories for different customers’ tag requirements.