RFID Journal 2025 Awards: Celebrating Excellence in RFID and Related Technologies

End-User Categories
Best Manufacturing or IIoT Implementation
Best Retail Implementation
Best S uppl y Ch ain /L ogistics Implementation
Best H ealt h care Implementation
Best R F I D Implementation (O t h er In d ustr y)
Best R F I D/ IoT /A I Implementation
Dr. Tali Freed – Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Cal Poly, SLO Director, PolyGAIT, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Dr. Kevin Berisso – Associate Professor, University of Memphis
Dr. Hans-Dieter Lang – Professor of Antenna & RF Engineering OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Dr. Samad Rostampour – Professor, Varnier College; Internet of Things (IoT) Architect and IT Director, Université du Québecà Montréal – IoT lab (ESGUQAM)
Ernesto Castagnet – MSc. IMSE, Associate Professor, AutoID Evangelist Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
Dr. Bill Hardgrave – President, University of Memphis
Dr. Antonio Rizzi – Full Professor, Industrial Logistics and Supply Chain Management, University of Parma
Jonathan Gregory – Global Standards Director GS1 US
Dr. Harold Boeck – Professor, Université du Québecà Montréal, (ESGUQAM)
Mark Roberti – Founder, RFID Journal; President, RFID Professional Institute
Dr. Junyu Wang – Professor and Associate Director, Auto ID Lab, Fudan University
Dieter Uckleman – Scientific Director; Professor for Information Logistics, Institute of Applied Research (IAF) HFT Stuttgart
Dr. Piramuthu Selwyn – Professor, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida
Dr. Ultan McCarthy – Lecturer, South East Technological University (SETU)
Paolo Locatelli – Head of Digital Innovation Unit, PoliHub Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator
Dr. Bahar Aliakbarian – Sr. R&D Director, Associate Professor, Axia Institute, Michigan State University
Dr. Abderrazak Hachani – Innovation Officer, ESPRIT
Justin Patton – Director, RFID Lab, Auburn University
Dr. Ygal Bendavid – Professor, Co-founder and Director (Fondateur et directeur du lab IoT at lab IoT) ESG UQAM

Vendor Category:
Best New Product
This award will be given to the company that exhibits the best new RFID, IoT, NFC, or related technology product or service at RFID Journal LIVE! 2025. To qualify for the award, the product must have been introduced after April 11, 2024.
Important Dates
February 28: Entry Deadline (End-User Categories)
March 21: Best New Product Entry Deadline
April 8: Finalist Notifications
May 6 – 7: Onsite judging during RFID Journal LIVE! with scheduled demonstrations during the event
May 8: Winners announced at the Awards ceremony
Best New Product Award Benefits
Winners will enjoy:
- A prestigious crystal award presented during the Awards ceremony.
- A one-hour webinar in 2025 to showcase your achievements to a global audience.
- A 40-minute session at RFID Journal LIVE! 2026, offering exposure to industry leaders.
Best New Product winners will also receive valuable recognition through on-site demonstrations and presentations.

Best New Product Judging Process
Our expert judging panel, led by Mark Roberti, founder and retired editor of RFID Journal, will evaluate entries based on innovation, impact, and execution.
February 28 – March 7: End-User Category Judging
March 21: Best New Product Submission Deadline
April 8: Top 5 Best New Product Finalists Announced
May 6 – 7: Onsite judging and demonstrations at RFID Journal LIVE!
Final winners will be revealed during the Awards ceremony on May 8.