This project is a finalist in the 2023 RFID Journal Award in the category of Best RFID or IoT Supply Chain/Logistics Implementation. Correios, the Brazilian postal operator, has implanted RFID tags in its cargo, as well as in containers, which hold hundreds of packages, and installed around 2,000 readers at the entrances and exits of operational units, to better track letters and parcels in its network. This was done in partnership with the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a United Nations specialized agency, through its Global Monitoring System program and GS1 Brasil. RFID tags include the standard GS1 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) as a postal item identifier. In this session learn how Correios has deployed the tracking project using ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID technology.
SPEAKER: Odarci Maia Jr., Advisor, Operations Research, Development and Innovation Lab Department, Correios