2024 Judging Criteria

Call for Entries

Deadline to enter:
January 31, 2024

If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected].

  • Best Retail RFID/IoT Implementation

    This award is given to the retailer, restaurant, or food and beverage company that best uses RFID, IoT, NFC, or related technology to cut costs, improve operations, serve customers, increase profits, or achieve other tangible benefits.

Questions judges will ask include:
  • What are the project details, including installation, configuration, training, etc.?
  • How did you quantify the potential benefits of the implementation, such as labor savings, customer service improvements, increased efficiencies, shorter production times, etc., and what is the ROI. If unable to supply hard numbers, what are your expectations?
  • Did it improve customer service?
  • Did it make employees more productive or customers more satisfied?
  • Did you encounter any roadblocks, including challenges and unexpected issues, as well as obstacles?
    • Best Manufacturing or IIoT Implementation

      This award is given to the manufacturer who best uses RFID, IoT, NFC, or other related technology to cut costs, improve factory operations, serve customers, increase profits, or achieve other tangible benefits.

    Questions judges will ask include:
    • What are the project details, including installation, configuration, training, etc.?
    • How did you quantify the potential benefits of the implementation, such as labor savings, customer service improvements, increased efficiencies, shorter production times, etc., and what is the ROI. If unable to supply hard numbers, what are your expectations?
    • Has the solution delivered business value?
    • Did it cut costs or increase revenue?
    • Did it make employees more productive?
    • Did it enable the manufacturer to deliver products just in time or provide better service for its products?
    • Is the solution scalable, acceptable to the employees affected, and economically feasible?
    • Is the solution a significant improvement over alternatives?
            • Best Supply Chain/Logistics Implementation

              This award is given to the company (end-user) or logistics provider that best uses RFID, IoT, NFC, or related technology to cut costs, improve supply chain or logistics operations, serve customers, increase profits, or achieve other tangible benefits.

            Questions judges will ask include:
            • What are the details of the project, including installation, configuration, training, etc.?
            • How did you quantify the potential benefits of the implementation, such as labor savings, customer service improvements, increased efficiencies, shorter production times, etc., and what is the ROI. If unable to supply hard numbers, what are your expectations?
            • Did it cut costs, reduce shipping errors, or improve on-time deliveries?
            • Did it make employees more productive?
            • Did it enable the organization to deliver products just in time or provide better service for its products?
            • Were there any soft benefits?
            • Does the use of RFID, IoT, NFC or related technology go beyond what other supply chain organizations have done?
            • Is the solution a significant improvement over alternatives?
                • Best Sustainable Initiative

                  This award is given to the company (end-user) that has leveraged RFID, IoT, NFC, or related technology to innovate new and sustainable products or processes that benefit people, the planet, and profit.

                Questions judges will ask include:
                • Give a brief description of a specific initiative your organization has initiated to drive environmental progress and impact sustainability.
                • What are the project details, including installation, configuration, training, etc.?
                • What are the tangible environmental benefits of the initiative? How have they been measured?
                • How viable and sustainable is this initiative?
                • What makes this initiative innovative?
                • What is your company doing to solve this environmental problem and why is this initiative unique?
                  • Best Use of Disruptive Technology (AI, ML, Robotics, ChatGPT, etc.) to Enhance a Product or Service or Improve Business Operations

                    This award is given to the end-user company that best improves an existing or new product, or service, or improves business operations through the innovative use of a disruptive technology (AI, ML, Robotics, ChatGPT, etc.).

                  Questions judges will ask include:
                  • What are the project details, including installation, configuration, training, etc.?
                  • How did you quantify the potential benefits of the implementation, such as labor savings, customer service improvements, increased efficiencies, shorter production times, etc., and what is the ROI. If unable to supply hard numbers, what are your expectations?
                  • Is the objective relevant to the needs of the company’s customers?
                  • Was the technology embedded into the product in a way that avoided disruption to the customer?
                  • Does the solution make maximum use of the technology or technologies used?
                        • Best New Product

                          This award is given to the best RFID, IoT, NFC, or related technology products or services exhibited at RFID Journal LIVE! A company must be an exhibitor at the event to qualify. In addition, the product or service must have been introduced after the last RFID Journal LIVE! (2023) concluded.

                        Questions judges will ask include:
                        • Does the new product or service deliver business value to those for whom it is designed?
                        • Will it solve a business problem?
                        • Will it reduce costs, improve efficiencies, or increase sales?
                        • Will it enable companies to comply with regulations more cost-effectively?
                        • Is the product/service original, or does it simply do what existing products do?
                        • Does the product/service break new ground?
                        • Does it significantly improve existing products in the same category?
                        • Is the product/service likely to deliver a significant return on investment?
                        • Does the product/service solve a business problem common in a particular industry?

                            Call for Entries

                            Deadline to enter: January 31, 2024

                            If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected].
